Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme and Bordeaux Imaging Center

14 June 2018


14 June, 2018 in FENS News

A 3-year agreement recently signed with the Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme and Bordeaux Imaging Center formally establishes this partnership.

This MOU lays the foundation to support training courses under the Cajal Programme that will take place during the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 at the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience, a research laboratory of Bordeaux Neurocampus fully dedicated to training activities.

Within the strategy to develop the Bordeaux Imaging Center (BIC) training opportunities, and participate in the national training portfolio initiative coordinated by the national research infrastructure France BioImaging, the BIC has built a partnership with the Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme to develop special imaging training for Neuroscience. The Cajal Training Programme is an initiative from FENS and IBRO in partnership with Bordeaux Neurocampus, the Champalimaud Foundation and The Gatsby Charitable Foundation, which offers state-of-the-art hands-on training courses in neuroscience.

Please read the full press release here.