Registration open for the online workshop on: “Running a Brain Awareness Week event in 2021”
25 November 2020
The online workshop “Running a Brain Awareness Week event in 2021” will provide participants with useful tips to plan an event for Brain Awareness Week 2021, from writing a successful BAW proposal to running an engaging outreach event, both online and in-person.
Registration now closed.
9 December 2020 – 15:00-16:00 CET
– Welcome and introduction – Richard Roche
– Brain Awareness Week: presentation and tips for submitting a successful proposal- Małgorzata Kossut
– Tips for running an engaging event online – Inbar Caspi
– Examples of funded projects – Marta Quatorze and Richard Roche
– Q&A session
– Chair: Richard Roche, FENS Communication Committee and BAW Awardee (IE)
– Małgorzata Kossut, EDAB-Dana Foundation (PL)
– Inbar Caspi, FENS Forum Manager (IL)
– Marta Quatorze, BAW Awardee 2020 (PT)
Free workshop but registration is mandatory (on a first-come, first-served basis).
Registration deadline: 7 December 2020.
This workshop is the first in a series of online workshops which will focus on the practicalities of science communication and offering concrete advice for the development of high-quality outreach events and activities. These workshops are organised by FENS with the support of the Dana Foundation.