Online workshop: “Pitch your research in an online environment”
02 April 2021
This hands-on online workshop aims to provide participants with the ability to present in a clear way what their research area of interest is about and how to find the best story around it. Registration deadline: 29 April 2021. Limited number of places.
Do you need to explain your research for a job, fellowship or grant? Not sure how to sum up your research in a short pitch?
Presenting your research, finding the essence you want to share and communicating it in a clear way can be challenging, especially in an online environment.
This workshop aims to provide participants with the ability to present what their research area of interest is about in a clear way and the tools to find the best story around it.
Active participation is expected from the participants during the workshop (breakout rooms). Participants will be asked to provide a short abstract of their research area of interest to confirm their registration.
This workshop is organised by the FENS Communication Committee with the support of the Dana Foundation
Date & time
Friday 7 May, 2-3:30 pm CEST
What to expect?
“Pitching your event in an online environment” is a hands-on online workshop.
It will start with an introduction and some best tips on pitching your research in an online environment.
Participants will then be divided into small groups according to their experience level, each in a different break-out room. During this practice time, participants will practice pitching their research or idea of interest and will receive constructive feedback, both from the facilitator and the other participants.
Who can attend?
This workshop is aimed at early career researchers (MsC, PhD and Post-doc students). To attend, participants have to complete the registration form and submit a 100-word abstract about their research area of interest.
Please note that to allow a maximum of interactivity and ensure that participants receive constructive feedback, the number of places is limited to 50.
Chair: Emma Yhnell | Cardiff University, United Kingdom – FENS Communication Committee
Dr Emma Yhnell is a passionate and award winning science communicator. She has experience and expertise in public engagement, science communication and the public understanding of science. She has strong experience in engaging with a range of audiences all over the world and communicating through a range of mediums and has won awards for her science writing as well as her in person talks and lectures.
Maximilian Jösch | Institute of Science and Technology, Austria – FENS Kavli Scholar
Maximilian Jösch is a system neuroscientist, currently fervently learning from animal behaviour, driven to explore and understand the neural underpinnings of vision. His scientific career started by learning about invertebrate vision in the laboratory of Alexander Borst. After his PhD, he switched gears to expand his experience in vertebrate vision by joining Markus Meister and co-affiliating with Josh Sanes’s labs for his postdoctoral studies. In 2017, he started his lab at IST Austria, where they have been merging their lab members’ and his prior experiences with a strong emphasis on behaviour, population dynamics, and visual attention. Find out more on the FENS Kavli Network website.
Simona Lodato | University in Milan, Italy – FENS Kavli Scholar
Simona Lodato received her M.S./B.S. in Biological Sciences from the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy, in 2006, and her PhD in Neurobiology from the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM) in 2011. As a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Paola Arlotta in the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University, she unveiled fundamental aspects of the molecular logic behind the acquisition of subtype specific projection neuron (PN) identity. Since May 2017, Dr Lodato has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Humanitas University in Milan, Italy. Find out more on the FENS Kavli Network website.
Claire Wyart | Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle épinière, France – FENS Kavli Scholar
Claire Wyart graduated from Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) Ulm in Paris, France in 2000. In 2003, she completed a PhD in Neuroscience in the laboratory of biophysics of Didier Chatenay at the University of Strasbourg. From 2005 to 2010, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California in Berkeley. In 2005, she worked with Noam Sobel on human olfaction, studying the effects of smelling compounds present in body secretion and not consciously perceived on women physiology. From 2006 until 2010, she joined the lab of Ehud Isacoff to develop chemical optogenetics in vivo. In collaboration with Filippo Del Bene in Herwig Baier’s lab, she implemented approaches to monitor and manipulate neuronal activity in zebrafish larvae. Since 2011, she has been leading her own team at the Brain and spinal cord Institute (ICM) in Paris (France). Find out more on the FENS Kavli Network website.
This workshop is organised by the FENS Communication Committee with the support of the Dana Foundation.