Claire Wyart wins the New-York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Robertson Award

05 December 2016


05 December, 2016 in FENS News

Congratulations to our FENS-Kavli Scholar Claire Wyart who won the New-York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Robertson Award.

The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) announced the 2016 class of NYSCF – Robertson Investigators, welcoming six of the most talented stem cell researchers and neuroscientists from around the world into the NYSCF Investigator Program. The NYSCF Investigator Program fosters and encourages promising early career scientists whose cutting-edge research holds the potential to accelerate treatments and cures, and provides support for the NYSCF – Robertson Stem Cell Investigator Awards and the NYSCF – Robertson Neuroscience Investigator Awards. 

Claire Wyart, PhD, Independent Group Leader at the Brain & Spine Institute (ICM), France, works to understand how the presence of multiple signaling molecules in the cerebrospinal fluid regulate the brain and body reactions to internal state changes like hunger, sleep, and locomotion among others.

Claire Wyart was one out of 3 awardees for Neuroscience and the only one based in Europe.

To access the full media release, click here.