30 June 2017
Neuroscience News
30 June, 2017 in Neuroscience News
The Milano edition in 2017 is organised by members of previously funded ITN European projects as well as members of University of Milano and CNR Neuroscience Institute.
The aim of this meeting is to bring together junior and senior neuroscientists working on synapses and to provide a forum for new directions and ideas in synapse research. This serves to create a European research community with an active role in promoting synaptic research and its funding within the EU. The meeting welcomes participation from all neuroscientists within and outside the EU. The meeting will combine research lectures by leading neuroscientists from Europe and the US with poster sessions intended to encourage lively discussions and the free exchange of information and ideas. Moreover, ten talks will be selected from the poster abstracts. The final programme will, therefore, include keynote lectures as well as short lectures given by young researchers.
As in the previous meetings, the registration fees are very affordable, in particular for PhD students and post-docs (early registration €200). The registration fee includes mid-morning and afternoon refreshments and lunches.
Registrationhttps://www.esm-milan2017.com – the number of attendees will be limited to 400, on a first registered/first served basis.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER:Morgan Sheng, San Francisco
LIST OF SPEAKERSClaudia Bagni, Lausanne – Camilla Bellone, Geneve – Tobias Boeckers, Ulm – Ana Luísa Carvalho, Coimbra -David DiGregorio, Paris – José Esteban, Madrid – Anthony Holtmaat, Geneve – Giovanna Mallucci, Cambridge – Christophe Mulle, Bordeaux – Pierre Paoletti, Paris – Olga Peñagarikano, Leioa – Juan D. Pita-Almenar, Beerse – Panayiota Poirazi, Heraklion – Peter Scheiffele, Basel
10 talks will be selected from the poster abstracts.
Organising Committee
Local organisers: Fabrizio Gardoni, (Milan), Elena Marcello (Milan) Carlo Sala (Milan), Chiara Verpelli (Milan), Monica DiLuca (Milan).
Jeremy Henley (Bristol), Michael Kreutz (Magdeburg), Christophe Mulle (Bordeaux) and Matthias Verhage (Amsterdam).
Registrations will open on 30 June.
Deadline for abstracts: 30 September 2017.
ContactsFabrizio Gardoni – fabrizio.gardoni@unimi.it and Luana Cremascoli – luana.cremascoli@unimi.it
Sponsored byEuropean Network (SyDaD).
Local support:University of Milano, Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences (DiSFeB)