2021-2025 FENS-Kavli Scholars cohort has been announced
21 April 2021
The multidisciplinary, international Network of FENS-Kavli Scholars (FKNE) is self-organised and aims to improve Neuroscience in Europe and beyond through scientific exchange, providing opportunities for young scientists, and facilitating dialogue between scientists, policy-makers, and society.
The Network consists of 30 Scholars; they serve two terms of 2 years (4 years in total). Every two years up to 15 new Scholars are selected, and 15 end their mandate/rotate off, becoming FKNE Alumni.
The 2021-2025 FKNE selected cohort has been announced today in a Press Release.
“The FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence is running since 2014 thanks to the generous support of the Kavli Foundation and in collaboration with FENS. This group of exceptional junior and mid-career neuroscientists from across Europe plays a key role to shape the future of neuroscience as the voice of the next-generation scientists. We are proud of what they accomplished. I am also glad that their vision includes not only the development of excellent science and basic research, the key to progress, but also concerns for the impact of the current crisis and the place of science in the society. I congratulate the new scholars and I am convinced they will enthusiastically be at the front place in research, outreach and advocacy”, says Professor Jean-Antoine Girault, President of FENS.
– Read the full Press Release issued by FKNE, and discover the profiles of 2021 selected Scholars on the FKNE page.