FENS Forum 2026 – Call for Symposia and Technical Workshops

Organiser: FENS


Registration Deadline: 5 May 2025

Submit your proposal for Symposia / Technical Workshops

The Federation of the European Neuroscience Society (FENS) and the Spanish Society of Neuroscience, are delighted to invite you to submit your proposals for the FENS Forum 2026.

The call for submission of symposia and technical workshop proposals is now open until 5 May 2025.

The FENS Programme Committee welcomes scientists from around the world to submit proposals highlighting discovery research on every aspect of the brain and central nervous system. Accepted Symposia and Technical Workshops will form one of the core components of the Forum’s scientific programme and help foster exchange, debate and discussion about the most current and cutting edge topics in the field.

The FENS Forum 2026 will provide the perfect environment to showcase the best in neuroscience today!