EJN call for papers: New trends in the empirical study of consciousness: measures and mechanisms
Organiser: European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN)
Registration Deadline: 31 Mar 2023
How do we assess the presence of consciousness in others? Since consciousness can be preserved even when disconnected from the environment, such as during dreaming, or in patients with disorders of consciousness, developing reliable objective markers of consciousness represents a challenge of utmost importance with remarkable scientific, clinical and ethical implications. For this special issue, EJN aims to gather contributions that will showcase the development of reliable measures of consciousness and advance our understanding of its neurophysiological determinants.
The full call for papers is available here.
Guest editors: Simone Sarasso (University of Milan), Athina Tzovara (University of Bern), Thomas Andrillon (Paris Brain Institute), and Katrin Preller (University of Zurich)
Extended Submission Deadline: 31 March 2023
Online Publication within One Week of Acceptance
Estimated Date of Publication of Final Issue: Spring 2023
Status: Closed
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