Latest News: FENS News

FENS Voices | Nana Voitenko: Neuroscience on the frontline

30 September 2022

Dr Voitenko obtained her PhD in Biophysics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and then married and moved to Kyiv when it was still part of the USSR. Facing challenge after challenge, her personal story is an extraordinary, inspiring example of the courage and commitment of all scientists who continue their research with hopeful resolve under the most daunting conditions. Read the full interview below. [...] Read More

The Tale of Two Intelligence Fields: AI and Neuroscience

28 September 2022

The Chen-FENS Science Writer Fellowship winner, Dr Chorghay reported on this year’s Brain Debate on “Building and understanding brains: How can AI research inform neuroscience?”. She analyses the main discussions on how new work in AI research can guide our understanding of biological brains. [...] Read More

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FENS President’s Message

05 September 2022

Dear colleagues, dear friends,  As a scientist and member of the neuroscience community for many years, it is a real honour to begin my active role as FENS President. The federation is at an exciting stage of strategic review and development that will enable it to… Read More

FENS newly-elected leadership

25 August 2022

FENS is delighted to highlight our newly elected leadership. Voted into office by the FENS Governing Council during the FENS Forum 2022, in Paris, France, they represent the voice of European neuroscience and will help shape the future of FENS and its activities. Find out more about the new team. [...] Read More

FRM 2023: call for symposia

27 July 2022

The FENS Regional Meeting (FRM) call for symposia has been extended until 4 September. The FRM is dedicated to supporting member societies in promoting excellence in research, with a European regional focus. FRMs aim to strengthen neuroscience in all European countries, promote scientific exchange within and across European regions and… Read More