Latest News: FENS News

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New FENS Member Society

14 January 2009

14 January, 2009 in FENS News New FENS Member Society - Lithuanian Neuroscience Society FENS welcomes the Lithuanian Neuroscience Association as a new FENS members society ! During the last FENS Council Meeting in Berlin in November 2008 the FENS Council approved the application for membership from the Lithuanian Neuroscience Association. Read More

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The 4th meeting of the European Society of Neurochemistry

19 December 2008

19 December, 2008 in FENS News The 4th meeting of the European Society of Neurochemistry, FENS member society The 4th Conference on Advances in Molecular Mechanisms of Neurological Disorders of the European Society for Neurochemistry will be held in July 11-14th, 2009 in Leipzig, Germany. For abstract submission and registration please connect to the meeting [...] Read More

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Funding opportunity – EMBO

19 December 2008

19 December, 2008 in FENS News Funding opportunity - EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organisation) The EMBO Courses & Workshops Programme funds high-quality scientific meetings, promoting collaborations and exchange in the latest molecular biology advances.The next deadline to apply for 2010 EMBO funding is: 1 February 2009. Please visit the EMBO webpages at: for further [...] Read More

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EJN Best Publication Award 2009

12 December 2008

12 December, 2008 in FENS News EJN Best Publication Award 2009 In collaboration with FENS and Wiley Blackwell, EJN is launching a "Best Publication Award" in 2009, awarding the best research article published in EJN over a two year period (published or accepted in years 2007 and 2008 for the 2009 award). This biennial award [...] Read More

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Open letter of the PENS committee

07 November 2008

07 November, 2008 in FENS News Open letter of the PENS committee to the communities from the central and eastern European region (CEER) The PENS Committee has since its birth devoted particular attention to ensuring a balanced geographical distribution of Faculty members and students in the PENS schools, insisting on a significant participation of the [...] Read More

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The 12th National Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society

04 November 2008

04 November, 2008 in FENS News The 12th National Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society, FENS member society The 12th National Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society will be held in January 22-24th, 2009, in Budapest in the main building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The 4 plenary lectures and 5 symposia will have [...] Read More

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FENS presents a new “National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year”

28 August 2008

28 August, 2008 in FENS News FENS presents a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year" We are pleased to publish a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year". The Georgian Neuroscience Association presents: Influense of Stimulation of Substantia Nigra and Nucleus Caudatus on Postsynaptic Responses of Cortical Nociceptive Neurons (in Russian) Tkemaladze T., Labakhua [...] Read More

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Challenges and opportunities for EJN

06 August 2008

06 August, 2008 in FENS News Challenges and opportunities for EJN - From the new Editors-in-Chief of EJN Dear Colleagues:Thanks to the superb work by Barry Everitt and Chris Henderson, EJN is an extremely well functioning, international neuroscience journal. The authors and the editors enjoy outstanding support by FENS, on the behalf of which the [...] Read More

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The first FENS Featured Regional Meeting will be held in Poland

06 August 2008

06 August, 2008 in FENS News The first FENS Featured Regional Meeting will be held in Poland FENS launched a new concept to promote regional neuroscience meetings of the FENS member societies, the FENS Featured Regional Meetings (FFRM). The purpose of this support is to increase the visibility of one regional meeting and to support [...] Read More

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New FENS Officers took office in Geneva

24 July 2008

24 July, 2008 in FENS News New FENS Officers took office in Geneva During the FENS Forum in Geneva the new FENS President Helmut Kettenmann (Germany) took office for the period of 2008 – 2010. Richard Morris (UK) stepped down, but will serve FENS for a period of another two years as Past President. Sten [...] Read More

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FENS presents a new “National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year”

07 July 2008

07 July, 2008 in FENS News FENS presents a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year" We are pleased to publish a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year". The Polish Neuroscience Society presents: Two streams of attention dependent beta activity in the striate recipient zone of cat's lateral posterior - pulvinar complex Wróbel A, [...] Read More

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Seven pioneering scientists receive the Kavli Prize

28 May 2008

28 May, 2008 in FENS News Seven pioneering scientists receive the Kavli Prize Seven pioneering scientists who have transformed human knowledge in the fields of nanoscience, neuroscience and astrophysics have become the first recipients of the million-dollar Kavli prizes. The President of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Ole Didrik Lærum, announced the names [...] Read More

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Letter of the European Brain Council

27 May 2008

27 May, 2008 in FENS News Letter of the European Brain Council to the European Commission concerning the revision of the European directive 86/609 on the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes The European Brain Council (EBC) is a co-ordinating council formed by European organisations in neurology, psychiatry, neurosurgery, and basic [...] Read More

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FENS presents a new “National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year”

19 May 2008

19 May, 2008 in FENS News FENS presents a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year" We are pleased to publish a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year". The Hungarian Neuroscience Society presents: Differential distribution of NCX1 contributes to spine-dendrite compartmentalization in CA1 pyramidal cells Lörincz A, Rózsa B, Katona G, Vizi ES, Tamás [...] Read More

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New offer for FENS members from Springer

28 April 2008

28 April, 2008 in FENS News New offer for FENS members from Springer Springer is pleased to offer special discounts for several neuroscience journals for FENS members. For further information please visit: Read More