European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)
Regensburg, Germany
The European Sleep Research Society is an international scientific non-profit organization that promotes all aspects of sleep research and sleep medicine. This includes the publication of the Journal of Sleep Research (JSR), organization of scientific meetings, promotion of training and education, dissemination of information, and establishment of fellowships and awards.
The purpose of this society is to promote research on sleep and sleep-related areas, improve the care for patients with sleep disorders, and facilitate the dissemination of information regarding sleep research and sleep medicine.
ESRS aims to integrate all important European players within these fields, including individual researchers, National sleep societies, and patient organizations.
ESRS aims to establish sleep medicine as an acknowledged medical specialty. ESRS is dedicated to the initiation and support of educational activities within the sleep field across Europe at the basic and medical, graduate and postgraduate level.
Status: Full Member Society
President: Dr. Erna Sif Arnardóttir
Member Benefits
Check the ESRS member benefits
- Includes voting rights.
- Gives the member an opportunity to be voted into any position.
- Includes yearly subscription to the online version of the Journal of Sleep Research and special OnlineOpen prices (US$1,000 for ESRS members, US$3,500 for non-members); for the member’s price, please send an e-mail to esrs.bk@online.de to receive a special code.
- Includes the Newsletter.
- Includes full privileges (reduced fees at the ESRS Congress, etc.).
- New additional benefits: Automatic membership to the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) with
- Full access to European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN) articles
- Discounted registration rates for the FENS Forum (Important: members have to login into the FENS website (www.fens.org), using the provided FENS member ID, before FENS Forum registration)
- Easy registration for all FENS activities, including schools and training courses.
Keep up to date on upcoming ESRS Congresses & Events – European Sleep Research Society
Apply for FENS membership via this society
Visit this URL to submit your application: https://esrs.eu/membership