Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society

Baku, Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society is a professional organization that brings together experts in neuroscience, neurology, psychology, and related fields. As a member of both the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and the International Brain Research Organization, it serves as a bridge connecting Azerbaijani neuroscience professionals to the global scientific community. The society focuses on fostering collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals to advance understanding of the nervous system and its disorders. It prioritizes education in both clinical and fundamental neurosciences while working to translate research findings into practical applications. Beyond its scientific mission, the organization takes an active role in public education by communicating neuroscience advances and their implications to the broader community. It facilitates this knowledge exchange through various events including courses, seminars, conferences, and exhibitions.

Status: Full Member Society

President: Dr. Elkhan Yusifov


Member Benefits

As a member society for both the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), ANS offers a wealth of opportunities and exclusive benefits to its members.

1. Access to FENS Benefits:

  • Reduced-rate registration: ANS members can avail reduced rates for registration at FENS events such as the FENS Forum, FENS Regional Meeting (FRM), FENS schools, and Brain Conferences.
  • Travel grants: Eligibility for selected travel grants to attend various neuroscience events and conferences organized by FENS.
  • FENS/IBRO-PERC exchange fellowships: Opportunities for research exchanges and collaborations through the FENS/IBRO-PERC exchange fellowships.
  • Access to FENS Job Market: Unlimited free submissions to the FENS Job Market, connecting members with job opportunities in the neuroscience field.
  • Free online access to EJN: ANS members can enjoy free online access to the European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN), the official journal of FENS.
  • Discounts on subscriptions: ANS members are eligible for discounts on subscriptions to several other top neuroscience journals affiliated with FENS.
  • Access to Neuronline: ANS members can access Neuronline, the online platform provided by the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), offering a plethora of resources and networking opportunities.

2. Exclusive IBRO Benefits:

  • Academic exchanges and career-enhancing opportunities: ANS members can benefit from academic exchanges, training, laboratory short-stays, volunteer opportunities, and committee positions facilitated by IBRO.
  • Stay updated with IBRO Highlights: ANS members can stay abreast of the latest developments in neuroscience through the IBRO Highlights newsletter, webinars, and publications.
  • Increased visibility for ANS: ANS gains visibility through IBRO’s communication channels, providing exposure to the global neuroscience community.
  • Representation opportunities: ANS members can influence the direction of IBRO’s programs, World Congresses, and other initiatives, ensuring their voice is heard in shaping global neuroscience.
  • Regional committee involvement: ANS members can liaise with IBRO’s Regional Committees to participate in defined programs and regional career opportunities.

3. Additional ANS Membership Benefits:

  • Networking opportunities: Connect with fellow neuroscientists, researchers, and professionals both locally and internationally, fostering collaborations and knowledge exchange.
  • Professional development: Access to workshops, seminars, and conferences organized by ANS, aimed at enhancing skills and knowledge in neuroscience.
  • Recognition and awards: ANS recognizes outstanding contributions to neuroscience through various awards and honors.
  • Community engagement: Participate in outreach programs and initiatives aimed at raising awareness about neuroscience and its importance in society.

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