Sylvia Schroeder

CountryUnited Kingdom

Society affiliation British Neuroscience Association

Position Principal Investigator/Group Leader

University/Organisation University of Sussex

Domain Sensory Systems

Sub domains Animal behaviour Vision

Lab description

Vision and behaviour
Our goal is to understand how behaviour influences visual processing in the early visual system including the retina and the superior colliculus. We want to understand how the processing of visual information improves when information about behaviour and internal state is integrated in this processing. Does the integration of vision and behaviour help the animal to make better decisions? Finally, we want to understand which mechanisms underlie the integration of visual and behavioural information in the brain.
We use two-photon imaging and extracellular electrophysiology (Neuropixels probes) to record activity of neurons and axons in the mouse, while manipulating neural activity using opto- and chemogenetic tools.