Job ID: 120532
Postdoctoral position at the Institute for Neuroscience of Castile and Leon / University of Salamanca (Spain)
Position: Post-doctoral Position
Deadline: 22 October 2024
Employment Start Date: 1 January 2025
Contract Length: 3 years
City: Salamanca
Country: Spain
Institution: University of Salamanca
Department: Institute for Neuroscience of Castile and Leon
Purpose of the contract:
Our group has extensive experience in the analysis of the PCD mouse, a murine model with different degenerative scenarios of varying severity. The neuronal death affecting the olfactory bulb of this model mimics the most prevalent human neurodegenerative processes: late and prolonged in time. Furthermore, this slow degenerative pattern facilitates the development of new therapeutic strategies.
In this project we aim to demonstrate the neuroprotective capacity of a substance little known in neuroscience, VEGF-B, based on preliminary data from our laboratory. We want to know whether the systemic application of this neurotrophic factor in our model can reduce neuronal death, under the hypothesis that neuroprotection is not only neural but also peripheral in origin. Two therapeutic approaches will be compared: (A) a continuous (classical) intraperitoneal administration of VEGF-B, and (B) a transplantation of healthy bone marrow cells enriched with VEGF-B-producing cells under a ubiquitous promoter.
Objectives to be achieved by the candidate:
- To fine-tune the optimal dose of administration of a neuroprotective factor (VEGF-B) in a model of selective neurodegeneration.
- To culture hematopoietic cells and perform their genetic transformation, as a cell therapy strategy for the same model.
- To compare the potential benefits of both therapeutic approaches.
- To perform a gene analysis (by RNA bulk sequencing) of the microglia derived from the transplanted cells.
Specific requirements:
1.PhD in biological or health sciences.
2.Degree or Bachelor’s degree in biological or health sciences.
3.Training for work with experimental animals in category C.
4.At least one letter of recommendation from previous supervisors.
Documentation to be submitted and scale:
1.Photocopy of the DNI or equivalent document in the case of foreigners.
2.Copy of the PhD degree or the corresponding academic certification.
3.Complete Curriculum Vitae reflecting the curricular merits and experience.
4.Documentary evidence of the merits reflected in the CV.
5.Work Life.
SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS: from 08/10/2024 to 22/10/2024
Links of interest: (please see the annex nº 2)