Job ID: 119395
CBM Postdoctoral Call
Position: Post-doctoral Position
Deadline: 30 September 2024
Contract Length: 3 years
City: Madrid
Country: Spain
Institution: Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa
The aim of this program is to increase the international representation of the institute, by incorporating eight outstanding international early career researchers (Postdoctoral Fellows) working on highly interdisciplinary topics related to the CBM’s research areas.
Briefly, the characteristics of the call are as follows:
- We are offering 6 postdoctoral positions, with a duration of 3 years and an estimated gross salary of 40.500 €/year.
- Applicants must have strong international training, not have worked in Spain for the last three years and obtained a PhD in Life Sciences after 01/01/2019. Career breaks will be considered.
- The application deadline is 30/09/2024, and the resolution of the call will be no later than 15/11/2024.
- Every candidate must have the endorsement of at least one CBM Principal Investigator (PI) before applying.
- Each CBM PI can only endorse one candidate.
The expected dynamics of the process will be that prospective candidates will contact CBM PIs showing their interest and CBM PIs will decide which candidate they would like to endorse.
To apply, candidates must:
- Read the guidelines and instructions in this document.
- Choose a group in the CBM.
- Get in touch with the PI and send them your CV.
- Agree with the PI on a postdoctoral project.
- Fill out this form and upload your files (more details in the document linked above).
The evaluation process will be as follows:
1. Only one candidate per PI will be considered.
2. A PI endorsing a candidate in this call will have a conflict of interest and will not participate in the decision process. Other conflicts of interest must be declared and the involved people will be excluded from the decision process.
3. Candidates will be evaluated based on their prior accomplishments and on the scientific quality of the proposed research, and their level of internationalization.
4. Candidates may be invited for an interview (face-to-face or online), if required.
5. The CBM Director will select an external ad-hoc evaluation committee, with the advice of the Internal Research Committee (CCI) and the external Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch via this email address: