Job ID: 118610

Postdoc in Neuromodulation in PD

Position: Post-doctoral Position

Deadline: 22 April 2024

Employment Start Date: 1 June 2024

Contract Length: 2 years

City: Bilbao

Country: Spain

Institution: Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

Department: Laboratory of Glia and Matrix Biology


A Postdoc position is available at the GlioMatrix Lab at ACHUCARRO BASQUE CENTER FOR NEUROSCIENCE in Bilbao (Spain). The contract is for 2 years.

The selected candidate will join a collaborative multidisciplinary project, as part of a national (Spanish) consortium aiming to achieve neurostimulation in deep areas of the brain through non-invasive approaches. The candidate would participate, specifically, in a sub-project led by Dr. Federico N. Soria, aimed to mimic dopaminergic modulation of striatal neurons with plasmonic and magnetic nanoparticles. The project employs animal models of Parkinson’s disease (PD), in vivo electrophysiology and calcium imaging, motor behavior and histological analysis.

The candidate will join a thriving neuroscience research center, with state-of-the-art facilities. working closely with neurobiologists, chemists, physicists and engineers


Application deadline: April 22, 2024

Profile of candidates:

  • PhD in Neuroscience or related (Biotechnology, Biomedicine, etc).
  • Experience in one of the following (more than one will be an asset):
    • Animal models of Parkinson’s disease
    • Stereotactic surgery in mice
    • Electrophysiology
    • Fiber photometry / 2-photon microscopy (in vivo calcium imaging)
  • Certificate for Animal experimentation (“Función C” in Spain or EU-equivalent)
  • Fluency in written and spoken English.

What we offer:

  • 2-year-contract
  • Work within a multidisciplinary environment
  • Immediate starting date.


Candidates should submit a motivation letter, CV and 2 letters of recommendation to Dr. Federico Soria (, indicating “Postdoc 2024 PD” in the subject, before April 22.


Lab website:

F.N. Soria’s profile in Google Scholar: