Job ID: 117759

Postdoctoral position available in Autophagy, cell biology and neuronal physiology and physiopathology

Position: Post-doctoral Position

Deadline: 30 April 2024

City: Montpellier

Country: France

Institution: Inserm U1198



A three year (one year renewable twice) postdoctoral position is available at MMDN for a highly motivated PhD. The project will decipher the role of selective autophagy in neuronal physiology and physiopathology in neurodegenerative diseases (Wolfram syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease). Mechanisms by which selective neuronal autophagy is regulated by the wolframin-sigma-1 receptor-NCS1 complex will be investigated (for previous work, see: Angebault et al. Sci Signal. 2018;11(553):eaaq1380.; Crouzier et al. Sci Transl Med. 2022;14(631):eabh3763, Richardet al. Cell Death Dis. 2023;14(6):387). Biochemical, cellular and microfluidic approaches will be implemented in human tissue samples (patients’ fibroblasts) and in vivo animal models (mouse and zebrafish).

Candidates with a PhD in molecular and cellular biology obtained during the past year and with experience in the fields of autophagy, cell signaling, neuronal culture, microfluidic chambers are encouraged to apply. The position is funded by ANR (PRCI) and part of a binational collaboration with a German group at University of Mainz. It will be open on January 1 or February 1, 2024 and administered by the University of Montpellier.

The host team is part of the “Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Diseases” (MMDN) Inserm/University of Montpellier/EPHE laboratory. It is an interdisciplinary lab dedicated to the biology and neuropharmacology of ageing and neurodegenerative diseases, from cells to humans. The overall scientific aim is to improve our understanding of the molecular and social bases of “normal” ageing, as well as of neurodegenerative diseases, and to suggest new approaches for diagnosis, care and treatment. Lab website:

Please send a motivation letter with statement of research interest and summary of previous research activity, detailed curriculum vitae and up to two reference letters to Benjamin Delprat, MMDN, U1198, Place Eugène Bataillon, CC105 – 34095, Montpellier, France.

