Research Prize Fürst Donnersmarck-Stiftung
On 8 May 1916 – in the middle of the First World War – Guido Graf Henckel Fürst von Donnersmarck, decided “to establish, in the garden city of Frohnau according to the Supreme Resolution of His Majesty the Emperor and King, a major therapeutic sanatorium for wounded and sick warriors and a research centre for the scientific processing and therapeutic application of medical experience gathered in the current war.”
Nowadays, the Foundations operates various facilities for the rehabilitation and support of people with physical and multiple disabilities, especially people with neurological impairments. It is also dedicated to research in neurorehabilitation and inclusion research. On the occasion of its 90th anniversary in 2006, the Foundation established a research prize in the field of neurorehabilitation, which is presented every three years, making 2024 the seventh time.
Under the Foundation Statutes, the Board of Trustees of the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation in Berlin awards Research Prize for Neurorehabilitation. The prize is endowed with EUR 30,000. It can be shared. In addition, up to five advancement prizes of EUR 3,000 are awarded.
The prize
is to be awarded to current scientific research in the field of the neurological rehabilitation of people with damage to the central nervous system. The prize will primarily be awarded to applied, interdisciplinary work and innovative concepts for care in in-patient, outpatient or other post-clinical rehabilitation. Empirical or efficiency evidence specifically focusing on social, economic and / or inclusion effects of neurological rehabilitation are of particular interest. Furthermore, participative work is rewarded that directly involves people with disabilities in the research process.
The following are accepted
for the research prize: dissertations, doctoral theses and post-doctoral theses, published project reports, book publications and specialist articles in German or English, published after 1 July 2021.
Submissions requested by 30 June 2024.
For example, doctoral theses, exceptional final dissertations or other scientific papers by young academics can be considered.
The Board of Trustees of the Foundation decides on the prize recipients on the basis of the suggestion of a panel, where various scientific specialist disciplines connected with neurorehabilitation are represented.
from participation are papers created under the responsibility, mentorship, co-authorship, authorship or participation of a panel member.
Please send your application and the following documents as a file in PDF format:
- Your scientific work to be judged, supplemented by a summary
- Justification for the application with respect to the prize goals
- CV with academic career
- A signed declaration that your work was not created under the responsibility, mentorship, co-authorship, authorship or participation of a panel member
- A signed declaration that the paper has been submitted with the consent of all co-authors involved
The decision of the Board of Trustees is final.
Please send your application by 30.06.2024 to forschungspreis@fdst.de
Queries should be addressed to:
Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation in Berlin
Dalandweg 19, 12167 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 769 700-12
Fax: +49 (0)30 769 700-28
Email: forschungspreis@fdst.de
Award Type: Research Award
Prize Money: 30,000 Euro
Granting Body: Fürst Donnersmarck-Stiftung
Research Field: Neurology; Neurorehabilitation
Application/Submission Deadline: 30 Jun 2024
Award Ceremony: 22 Nov 2024
Contact Details
Name: Dr. Sebastian Weinert
Address: Fürst Donnersmarck-Stiftung Dalandweg 19 12167 Berlin-Germany
Email: s.weinert@fdst.de
URL: https://www.fdst.de/forschungspreis/research-prize-2024/