The FENS team

Tasia Asakawa, Executive Director

Florence Vanderborght, Office and Membership Manager

Emilie Noël, Administrative Assistant
Administration, Membership

Inês Oliveira, Meetings and Project Coordinator
FENS Forum, FENS Regional Meeting

Mihaela Vincze, Programme Manager
Higher Education and Training, FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence (FKNE), ENCODS, Network of European Neuroscience Schools (NENS)

Andreea Marginean, Programme Officer
Schools, The Brain Conferences, Grants and Awards

Mathilde Maughan, ALBA Project and Network Manager
ALBA Network

Keerthana Iyer, Partnerships and Development Manager
ALBA Network, Partnerships

Inbar Caspi, FENS Forum Manager
FENS Forum

Matteo Piumatti, Communications Manager

Arianna Babbi, Communications Assistant

Quaid Cey, Communications Assistant