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The first FENS Featured Regional Meeting will be held in Poland

06 August 2008

06 August, 2008 in FENS News The first FENS Featured Regional Meeting will be held in Poland FENS launched a new concept to promote regional neuroscience meetings of the FENS member societies, the FENS Featured Regional Meetings (FFRM). The purpose of this support is to increase the visibility of one regional meeting and to support [...] Read More

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New FENS Officers took office in Geneva

24 July 2008

24 July, 2008 in FENS News New FENS Officers took office in Geneva During the FENS Forum in Geneva the new FENS President Helmut Kettenmann (Germany) took office for the period of 2008 – 2010. Richard Morris (UK) stepped down, but will serve FENS for a period of another two years as Past President. Sten [...] Read More

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FENS presents a new “National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year”

07 July 2008

07 July, 2008 in FENS News FENS presents a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year" We are pleased to publish a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year". The Polish Neuroscience Society presents: Two streams of attention dependent beta activity in the striate recipient zone of cat's lateral posterior - pulvinar complex Wróbel A, [...] Read More

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Seven pioneering scientists receive the Kavli Prize

28 May 2008

28 May, 2008 in FENS News Seven pioneering scientists receive the Kavli Prize Seven pioneering scientists who have transformed human knowledge in the fields of nanoscience, neuroscience and astrophysics have become the first recipients of the million-dollar Kavli prizes. The President of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Ole Didrik Lærum, announced the names [...] Read More

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Letter of the European Brain Council

27 May 2008

27 May, 2008 in FENS News Letter of the European Brain Council to the European Commission concerning the revision of the European directive 86/609 on the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes The European Brain Council (EBC) is a co-ordinating council formed by European organisations in neurology, psychiatry, neurosurgery, and basic [...] Read More

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FENS presents a new “National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year”

19 May 2008

19 May, 2008 in FENS News FENS presents a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year" We are pleased to publish a new "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year". The Hungarian Neuroscience Society presents: Differential distribution of NCX1 contributes to spine-dendrite compartmentalization in CA1 pyramidal cells Lörincz A, Rózsa B, Katona G, Vizi ES, Tamás [...] Read More

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New offer for FENS members from Springer

28 April 2008

28 April, 2008 in FENS News New offer for FENS members from Springer Springer is pleased to offer special discounts for several neuroscience journals for FENS members. For further information please visit: Read More

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FENS presents two new “National Neuroscience Highlights of the Year”

28 April 2008

28 April, 2008 in FENS News FENS presents two new "National Neuroscience Highlights of the Year" We are happy two present the "National Neuroscience Highlight of the Year" of the German Neuroscience Society and the Swiss Society for Neuroscience: The German Neuroscience Society presents: A voice region in the monkey brain Petkov, C. I., C. [...] Read More

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SfN abstracts on new Theme H: “Public Awareness and Societal Impacts”

17 April 2008

17 April, 2008 in FENS News SfN abstracts on new Theme H: "Public Awareness and Societal Impacts" The SfN has announced that its traditional Theme H at the annual meeting has changed this year from "History and Teaching of Neuroscience" to "History, Teaching, Public Awareness, and Societal Impacts in Neuroscience," and includes two new sub-themes: [...] Read More

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DANA/FENS – Final Report 2008

16 April 2008

16 April, 2008 in FENS News DANA/FENS funded Brain Awareness Week Projects - Final Report 2008 In 2008, the directors of the Dana Foundation again approved a grant to FENS. This money together with an additional allowance from FENS enabled FENS to fund small grants to European Brain Awareness Week partner organizations for public programming [...] Read More

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FENS / IBRO stipends for FENS Forum 2008 awarded

18 March 2008

18 March, 2008 in FENS News FENS / IBRO stipends for FENS Forum 2008 awarded We are happy to announce that the FENS/IBRO stipends for the participation in the FENS Forum 2008 in Geneva were awarded. 128 young researchers from 36 European and non-European countries were selected. 1. Achilles, Katharina (Germany)2. Albasser, Mathieu M. (United [...] Read More

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National Neuroscience Highlights of the Year

06 March 2008

06 March, 2008 in FENS News FENS launched a new activity, the "National Neuroscience Highlights of the Year" We invite all national member societies to present once a year a national neuroscience highlight. We are happy to present the first contributions: The Dutch Neurofederation presents:Rescue of neurological deficits in a mouse model for Angelman syndrome [...] Read More

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NEURON calls for “European research projects on neurodegenerative diseases

13 February 2008

13 February, 2008 in FENS News NEURON calls for "European research projects on neurodegenerative diseases The current Coordination Action (CA) is funded under the ERA-Net scheme in FP6 2007-2010 by the European Commission. The aim of the Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON) project is to link 13 European national research funding programmes [...] Read More

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The Neurological Foundation of New Zealand Repatriation Fellowship

13 February 2008

13 February, 2008 in FENS News The Neurological Foundation of New Zealand Repatriation Fellowship Repatriation Fellowships are intended to support the repatriation of outstanding young researchers who have recently completed post doctoral studies outside New Zealand and who propose to return to New Zealand and conduct research in scientific fields of relevance to the Neurological [...] Read More

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FENS Award winners 2008 selected

07 February 2008

07 February, 2008 in FENS News FENS Award winners 2008 selected FENS is pleased to announce this years FENS Award winners: FENS EJN Award 2008: John O’Keefe, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London (UK) FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize: Thomas Klausberger, Senior Scientist at the Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit of the Medical Research Council [...] Read More