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The awardees of the FENS-IBRO stipends to attend the first slot in national courses have been announced!

28 March 2014

28 March, 2014 in FENS News In partnership with IBRO, FENS has launched this initiative in view of supporting neuroscience students to broaden their knowledge and acquire international experience by participating in short courses related with neuroscience field. Based on a call launched within NENS community, 5 short courses were selected to be financially supported [...] Read More

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New MQ investments in research into mental health

11 March 2014

11 March, 2014 in FENS News We are now well into 2014, the days are longer and spring has arrived! Like spring, MQ represents change and commitment to the new. This year will see new MQ investments in research into mental health, research that will improve current treatments, identify new treatments and increase the quality [...] Read More

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Three European scientists share the world’s largest prize for brain research

10 March 2014

10 March, 2014 in FENS News The Brain Prize - Denmark's 1 million euro brain research prize - is awarded to three European scientists for their pioneering research on higher brain functions. The prizewinners, Stanislas Dehaene, Giacomo Rizzolatti and Trevor Robbins, from France, Italy and the UK respectively, were announced on Monday, 10 March 2014 [...] Read More

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Hungary: a Hub for Brain Research and Innovation

03 March 2014

03 March, 2014 in FENS News Hungary is launching a 12 billion forint (EUR 39m) national brain research programme to promote research, prevention, innovation, health-care and drug development. The related agreement was signed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Academy of Sciences (MTA) President Jozsef Palinkas and the project’s director, Tamas Freund, head of MTA’s Institute [...] Read More

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Call for Symposia – 15th Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society

24 February 2014

24 February, 2014 in FENS News The call for symposia for the 15th Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society is open. The symposia will be 2 hours events (suggested number of speakers: 4) The application should contain:- name/affiliation of the organizer(s)- title and short description (max 150 words) of the proposed symposium - names/affiliations of speakers [...] Read More

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New Funding Opportunities: 2014 MQ Fellows Program

21 February 2014

21 February, 2014 in FENS News The Programme aims to support the most promising early career scientists and clinicians who are asking challenging questions that will contribute to transformative advances in mental health research. MQ is seeking the best and brightest researchers, who are newly independent or finalising their transition to independence.  The Programme is [...] Read More

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Travel Awards for Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society

19 February 2014

19 February, 2014 in FENS News Neuroscience 2014, the 37th annual meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society (President: Professor Ryosuke Takahashi), will be held at Pacifico Yokohama, in Yokohama, Japan, from Thursday, September 11 to Saturday, September 13, 2014. The Society will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2014. Wanting participants to come away with a [...] Read More

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Book of condolences for Prof. Ferdinando Rossi

09 February 2014

09 February, 2014 in FENS News The University of Torino has opened an online book of condolences for Prof. Ferdinando Rossi. This book of condolences is at disposal to those who wish to leave a personal memory. The book will be made available to his family. To let a message of condolence for Prof Ferdinando [...] Read More

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Brain Awareness Week Funds 2014: the grant awardees announced

05 February 2014

05 February, 2014 in FENS News In 2014, the directors of the Dana Foundation once more approved a grant to FENS. This money enables funding of several small grants to various European Brain Awareness Week partner organisations for public presentation during the campaign. FENS distributed these grants in a competitive procedure. A call for applications [...] Read More

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Obituary: Ferdinando Rossi (1960-2014)

28 January 2014

28 January, 2014 in FENS News It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Ferdinando Rossi. Ferdinando Rossi served as an Associate Editor for EJN since 2008 and was elected member, and later served as chair, of the FENS committee for the Network of European Neuroscience Schools in 2010. Download here [...] Read More

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IBRO-PERC Financial Support of Workshops, Symposia and other meetings in 2014

23 January 2014

23 January, 2014 in FENS News With the aim to foster cooperation among regional young neuroscientists, IBRO’s Pan European Regional Committee (PERC) invites requests for partial funding of Meetings, Workshops and Symposia (up to 4,000€) on important topics in neuroscience organized in European countries during 2014. Preference will be given to activities that include younger [...] Read More

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FENS is looking for an Editor in Chief for the European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN)

23 January 2014

23 January, 2014 in FENS News EJN is the official journal of FENS. EJN is a multidisciplinary international journal, co-owned by Wiley, publishing original research articles and reviews of high quality and significance in all areas of neuroscience. EJN is accessible to neuroscientists worldwide and maintains a growing on-line presence to serve the community and [...] Read More

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Exchange grants for training stays are available for Master and PhD students

20 January 2014

20 January, 2014 in FENS News NENS stipends covering travel and accommodation costs of up to 2,000 EUR are intended for Master and PhD students registered within NENS member schools or programmes. Application deadline: 15 February 2014For further information and the application form, please visit the NENS Exchange Grants page. Read More

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Brain Awareness Week 2014

17 January 2014

In 2014, the directors of The Dana Foundation once more approved a grant to FENS. This money enables funding of several small grants to various European Brain Awareness Week partner organisations for public presentation during the campaign. FENS warmly congratulates the grant winners! FENS distributed these grants in a competitive procedure. Read More